JAN, 2024
Understanding the Origin of Suffering
At the heart of the human experience lies a universal and often elusive theme: suffering. This phenomenon, which permeates many aspects of our lives, frequently becomes the focus of our attention and reflection. Here, we will explore not only its nature but also some strategies for alleviating it.

A Shared Experience
Pain versus Suffering
A vital distinction often overlooked is the difference between pain and suffering. Pain, whether physical or emotional, is an inevitable part of life, an aspect of our biology that connects us to the reality of our existence. In contrast, suffering arises from our internal resistance to pain, from our struggle against the reality of how things are, fueled by thoughts and beliefs about how things should be.
The Cause of Suffering
Suffering, then, can be seen as an equation where pain is multiplied by our resistance to it. The more we resist, the more intensely we suffer. The key to alleviating suffering lies in accepting the pain, in learning to relate to reality as it is. Acceptance does not mean conformity or resignation, but opening ourselves with vulnerability to what life presents, without struggle or denial.
The Path to Acceptance
Acceptance is a powerful, though challenging, path. In the face of the inevitability of pain, aging, illness, and death, it is natural to feel resistance. But this only generates more suffering. Accepting life on its own terms allows us to act within our reality with greater clarity and purpose, seeking what we can do now, how we can live authentically and fully despite the circumstances.
Integrating Acceptance into Our Lives
The practice of acceptance begins by letting go of our preferences when life offers us something different. By doing so, we not only reduce our suffering but also open up a path of growth that can lead to greater peace and joy. Understanding the origin of suffering provides us with a unique opportunity to deepen our understanding of the human experience. Embracing life’s difficulties with acceptance is the way to develop resilience and reduce additional suffering. This practice requires constant awareness, a commitment to living in the present, and the courage to face the reality of our lives without resistance.