Forgiveness Meditation


In this meditation, we invite you to explore your relationship with forgiveness. We begin by bringing awareness to your body, releasing tension, and relaxing the facial muscles, shoulders, back, and abdomen. With your body more relaxed and present, we shift focus to your breath, observing the flow of air.

Next, bring to mind a person who has hurt you, practicing forgiveness with phrases like, “I forgive you for being imperfect.” Continue with someone you have hurt, accepting their forgiveness with compassion. Finally, forgive yourself, recognizing your humanity.

We close the meditation with gratitude, expanding this feeling with each inhale and exhale. We thank ourselves for our openness and this transformative experience.



Let’s Schedule a First Appointment

For those interested in beginning this journey, I offer an initial virtual consultation where we can get to know each other and discuss in greater depth what you are looking for.

Ana Tempelsman M.A

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